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Orthopedic products Joint Knee joint Initial replacement sys
      Promulgator :helly@rig123.com      Time:2023-05-25
Orthopedic products
Knee joint

Initial replacement system

Femoral condylar prosthesis type II
1. Extension of the anterior wing of the prosthesis - excellent patellar motion trajectory;
2. Excellent material&precision machining - low wear;
3. Multi curvature radius, closer to the trajectory of human knee joint movement.

Tibial plateau prosthesis type II
1. Symmetrical design with high matching degree;
2. Titanium alloy casting - high fatigue strength;
3. The platform is designed with a fully enclosed disc shape, and the locking mechanism is reliable, effectively reducing micro movement and wear.

Meniscal prosthesis type II
1. Symmetric design;
2. Ultra high molecular weight polyethylene material;
3. Wide compatibility with different models of femoral condyle implants;
4. Edge curved design - perfect match, no edge load.

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